美しく計算された動きが、全身を包み込む 💫鳥肌が立つほどの刺激が、心を突き動かす 🌌もう全部持ってかれた。完敗やん。
※作品中の人物は全てAI(Stable Diffusionの使用)によって生成された画像/イラストであり、実在の人物は一切含まれません。
I am a photographer who has been producing photo books for many years. I am currently combining AI generation with my work.
’All characters in the artwork are generated by AI (using Stable Diffusion) and are not based on real individuals. All characters/illustrations/images are over 21 years old. After generating the images/illustrations, we are applying processing/editing to all of them.There is no religious intent in any of the images/illustrations.’